Please note that online booking is only available for primary and secondary schools. Bookings and Enquiries Would you like to make a booking or an enquiry?(required) Booking Enquiry Name Email address(required) Phone number Bookings Primary or Secondary?(required) Primary Secondary Is your booking for a primary or secondary school? Name of School(required) School Address(required) Contact Number(required) Book a Primary School session Cost per session: £170 per half day, £285 per full day. Payment details will be sent upon confirmation of booking. Choose your session Early Years - Superworm Early Years - Teeny Weeny Tadpole Year 1 - Bog Baby - animals and habitats of Perivale Wood Year 2 - Bogy Baby - animals and habitats of Perivale Wood Year 2 - habitats Year2: living, dead or never alive KS1/2 - the Victorians and Perivale Wood Year 3 - flowering plants Year 4 - living things and their habitats Year 3/4 - poetry The Lost Words Year 5 - life cycles and reproduction: animals and plants Year 6 - living things and their habitats Number of classes Preferred date(s) and time(s) (am/pm) Book a Secondary School session Cost per session: £200for a KS3 half day and £380 for KS4 and A level full days. Payment details will be sent upon confirmation of booking. Choose your session KS3 - water survey KS3 - soil survey KS3 - importance of nature reserves GCSE A level AQA A level Edexcel A level OCR Number of Classes Preferred date(s) and times (am/pm) Approx number of students per class Please elaborate Number of accompanying adults SEN 1:1 EYFS 1:2 KS1 1:5 KS2 1:8 KS3 1:10 KS4/5 1:12 Message This field should be left blank Send Please wait...